March 9, 2023 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Opening Prayer: Dallin called the meeting to order at 8:00. The opening prayer was offered by Nile Hall. Those present were Commissioners Jim Deuel, Mike Miller, Dallin Gambles, and Roger Anderson. Gordon Ball was excused. Fire Chiefs Carl Anderson, Nic White, Jared Gianinni and BC’s, Mitch Bingham, Bailey Majors, Cody Anderson and Jim Kelly. Nile Hall was present to take minutes. There were no patrons present.

Agenda: The printed agenda was present for all in attendance to view.

Minutes: Roger moved to accept the minutes as presented. Jim second and voting was unanimous by Jim, Mike, Roger, and Dallin in the affirmative.

Budget Review: Nile reported that expenditures were in line with the budget.

Approval of Expenditures—Action Item. Jim moved to accept the expenditures in the amount of $78,372.63 of which $35,000 was for ambulances, and $66,403.14 for payroll. Mike seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Mike, Roger, and Dallin in the affirmative.
• Discussion was had regarding the possible purchase of a ladder truck and the timing of such. Various truck manufacturing could take between 25 to 46 months for delivery. If we find a stock built truck we would have to immediately place a contract for one with 50% down and balance at delivery.
• Structural boots: Waiting for samples to determine which boot is best fit for our personnel. Cost is either $406.84 or $356.16. Budget has been approved to purchase 50 pair within $20,000 which will be possible.
• Bids to recarpet the administrative office side would be $7979.00 and the training/conference room side $7718.13. The bids along with painting are under the proposed budget of $40,000.


• Action to replace lighting was put on hold due to activity requesting bids and seeking proposal of discounts that may be available from Rocky Mountain Power.
• FFA Chapter students ended up not happening at this point in time. They have a cloud seeding presentation that whey wanted to practice their delivery but felt they were not prepared to do so.

FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Carl reported that ICRMP was ok with the claims that were presented with two different accidents that have happened in the past month up on the ski hill. BCs had nothing to report.

ASSISTANT CHIEF REPORTS: Nic reported we are starting a Fire Fighter One class which will allow those interested in receiving a Certificate for such. We have been approved to do this class using our training people in house. Some have taken the class at Madison which cost them $1200 to participate. Our class will begin on April 3rd. Jared reported that Ambulance One has been mostly stocked. We are working on getting approval for our license and approval from Dr. Harper for protocol procedures.

COMMISSIONER REPORTS: Commissioners had nothing to report.

Mike moved to adjourn, and Roger seconded. The vote by Roger, Jim, Mike, and Dallin was unanimous in the affirmative. Meeting adjourned at 8:32 PM.

Roger-EMS & Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR