Register A Controlled Burn

Check first to see if all outdoor burning is prohibited by DEQ due to air quality:

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Read and agree to the four guidelines for burning. Complete each required field in the registration form. Once these requirements are met, the Submit button will appear at the bottom of the page. Click Submit and your burn will then be registered.

**If burning on multiple days, you must enter a Burn Registration on each day**

1. What Can Be Burned
* Only natural, non-processed, non-treated types of wood can be burned (i.e., no pallets, no wood furniture, no wooden objects, etc.)

Residential yard waste and weed control: leaves, grass clippings, garden debris, branches and tree trunks on the property where they were grown; weed abatement along fence lines, ditch banks and canal banks
Recreational fires: for preparation of food, campfires and BBQ areas; small fires for hand warming
If house-to-house garbage service is not available: you can burn paper and cardboard
Prescribed burning: open burning of forest and rangeland to accomplish land management objectives
Training fires: fires to train firefighters
2. What Cannot Be Burned
Dead animals or animal waste
Junk motor vehicles or parts
Tires or other rubber materials
Tar and petroleum products
Lumber or Preservative treated wood
Trade waste (construction or demolition waste, or any material resulting from the operation of any business)
Insulated wire
Pathogenic waste
Hazardous waste
3. Crop Residue Burning
For an agricultural burn, a burn permit MUST FIRST be obtained from the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) by calling 800-232-4635 or by visiting their web page:

Crop Residue Burning includes:
Whole Fields
Spots within a field or pasture
Broken bales in the field that they were generated during the time of harvest
CRP lands
Food Plots
Blanching or flaming operations
4. MFD Controlled Burn Guidelines
Regardless of the type of burning you will be doing, a burn MUST be registered with Central Fire District.

You must review the Idaho State Burn statutes regarding the Closed Season to ensure your burn is done in the appropriate time:

A suitable water supply, or any other acceptable means, shall be available on site capable of extinguishing the fire should the need arise.
A responsible adult (over the age of 18) must attend the fire at ALL times.
If the winds increase to 20 MPH or more burning shall be ceased.
Burn pile shall be a minimum of 75 feet from any structure.
No fires are allowed after dark.
The person who starts the fire is responsible for any fire or smoke damage to any property as well as the cost associated with extinguishment if the Fire Department is summoned.
A telephone shall be available if the fire gets out of control to contact 911.
If there are any complaints resulting from an open burn, the burn shall be extinguished by the owner or the Fire Department.
I certify that where I am intending to burn is my property, or I have the authorization of the owner.