September 8, 2022 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Opening Prayer: Roger called the meeting to order at 8:00.  The opening prayer was offered by Roger Anderson.  Those present were Commissioners Gordon Ball, Jim Deuel and Roger Anderson. Fire Chiefs Carl Anderson, Nic White; and BC’s, Mitch Bingham, Garth Foster and Jim Kelly. Nile Hall was present to take minutes. There were no patrons present. Dallin Gambles and Mike Miller were excused.

Approval of Agenda– ACTION ITEM: Jim moved to approve the agenda. Gordon seconded. The vote by Gordon, Jim, and Roger was unanimous in the affirmative. 

Approval of Minutes – ACTION ITEM: The July 2022 minutes were reviewed by the commissioners previously.  Gordon moved to accept the minutes as written. Jim seconded. The vote by Gordon, Jim, and Roger was unanimous in the affirmative. 

Budget Review:  Nile reported that 92% of the year has been completed and we have only spent 94% of the budget for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.

Approval of Expenditures – ACTION ITEM: Gordon and Roger reviewed the expenditures and didn’t see anything out of order. Gordon moved to approve the payroll in the amount of $68,149.98 and expenditures in the amount of $40,719.19. Jim seconded.  The vote by Gordon, Jim, and Roger was unanimous in the affirmative. 


No old Business presented to be discussed.


  1. Ladder Truck purchasing was discussed. Carl reported that it would take approximately 28 months to obtain a new ladder truck. If we put in our request for a stock truck it could take lots less time but the cost is estimated to be 1.2 to 1.4 million dollars. Nic is leading a group to gather more information and will present a proposal to the commissioners at a later date.

FIRE CHIEF REPORT:  Carl reported that we are busy. We had 138 EMS Calls 22 Fire calls for total of 160 total calls for August 2022. We have 3 fire fighters and a truck that are helping at the Salmon fire. We have had some farm fires that were handled this last month. No Battalion Chief reported anything out of the ordinary.

ASSISTANT CHIEF REPORT: We are hiring a bunch more EMT’s but we also have had some quit so not necessarily increasing our volunteer numbers.

COMMISSIONER REPORTS: Jim complimented Carl and Staff for the good decisions being made on when to send help to other districts and when not to.

Jim moved to adjourn, and Gordon seconded. The vote by Gordon, Jim, and Roger was unanimous in the affirmative. 

Roger-EMS & Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR