October 26, 2023 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Dallin called the meeting to order at 8:00. Present were Commissioners Mike Miller, Gordon Ball, and Dallin Gambles, Fire Chiefs Carl Anderson, Nic White, and Jared Giannini. Nile Hall took minutes. Roger Clark and Greg Bastian were the only patrons present.

Ambulance Fee Hearing: Dallin opened the Ambulance Fee Hearing. Resolution 2023-02 was read by Carl Anderson. No patrons were present to oppose the proposed resolution. Roger Clark, Jefferson County Commissioner, spoke in favor of the Resolution stating that he was in favor of the Ambulance fees as described and was happy that the Fire District was going to start the Ambulance Service. Dallin closed the hearing and opened the commissioner meeting.

• Resolution 2023-03, presented at the Hearing, was open for discussion. No discussion was needed. Mike moved to accept Resolution 2023-02 as was read in the Ambulance Fee hearing. Gordon seconded. An individual vote was requested. Nile polled the commissioners present, Mike Aye. Dallin Aye. Gordon. Aye. Motion passed in the affirmative.

Mike made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Gordon seconded it. Voting was unanimous by Mike, Gordon, and Dallin in the affirmative.

The meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Roger-EMS Training/Gordon-equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR