March 10, 2022 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Opening Prayer: Roger called the meeting to order at 8:00.  The opening prayer was offered by Dallin Gambles.  Those present were Commissioners Mike Miller, Gordon Ball, Dallin Gambles, Jim Deuel, and Roger Anderson. Fire Chiefs Carl Anderson, Nic White and Jared Giannini; and BC’s, Blaine Ker, Corey Albertson, and Mitch Bingham. Lieutenant Victor Gallegos represented Station 1. Nile Hall kept the minutes. Patrons JJ Hartwell, Kelsey Thornton, Tyler Rackham, Brendel Larsen, Steven Burtenshaw, Janie Ker, Jeanette Anderson, and Shanda Foster were present– Ririe Station volunteers.

Approval of Agenda– ACTION ITEM: Dallin moved to approve the agenda; Gordon seconded. The vote by Mike, Gordon, Jim, Dallin, and Roger was unanimous in the affirmative. 

Approval of Minutes – ACTION ITEM: The minutes were reviewed by the commissioners previously.  Mike moved to accept the minutes as written. Jim seconded.   The vote by Mike, Gordon, Jim, Dallin, and Roger was unanimous in the affirmative. 

Budget Review:  Nile reported that the budget was running right on track.

Approval of Expenditures – ACTION ITEM: Jim and Dallin reviewed the expenditures and didn’t see anything out of order.  Jim moved to approve the expenditures in the amount of $44,464.93 and payroll the amount of $61,487.81.  Dallin seconded.  The vote by Mike, Gordon, Jim, Dallin, and Roger was unanimous in the affirmative. 

  1. Purchase of Handheld Radios. Jim moved and Mike seconded to purchase 6 handheld radios for $13,606.80. The vote by Mike, Gordon, Jim, Dallin, and Roger was unanimous in the affirmative. 
  2. Turnouts/bunker gear. Mike moved and Dallin seconded to purchase 8 sets of turnouts for $21,640.00. The vote by Mike, Gordon, Jim, Dallin, and Roger was unanimous in the affirmative.  It will take 8 months to get them.
  3. Washer/extractor. The washing machine at station 1 is broken. Research has advised that turnouts be cleaned with an extractor versus a washing machine because the extractor spins at a much slower rate. LN Curtis has a few extractors that can be purchased for $5,995.00 each. Jim proposed and Gordon seconded that we purchase one extractor to replace the washing machine at station 1. The vote by Mike, Gordon, Jim, Dallin, and Roger was unanimous in the affirmative.  

FIRE CHIEF REPORT:  Chief Anderson provided a spreadsheet showing call volume for the last 6 years. Total calls 2016-1214, 2017-1281, 2018-1429, 2019-1437, 2020-1549, 2021-1647. He also reported that 4 individuals were sent to Fire School for training. Madison is holding 2 EMS courses and we are sponsoring 2 people to attend that training. There was no BC input.

ASSISTANT CHIEF REPORT: Nick reported that we are using some of the full-time people to rebuild some of the small motors that need to be repaired or refurbished. Motor on the overhead door in station 2 needs replaced so bids are being requested to fix that. Still working on 181 waiting on hoses and some things that are not immediately available due to supply chain shortages. Jared reported on a Mutual aid with Swan Valley to the Smith cabin fire. Central stepped in and saved approximately 50% of the cabin. Vaugh Ball had reported that already architects have been in and have determined how a rebuild can commence thanks to the great efforts and the saving of much of the cabin.

COMMISSIONER REPORTS:  Nothing to report. Jim made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Mike seconded.  The vote by Mike, Gordon, Jim, Dallin, and Roger was unanimous in the affirmative. 

Roger-EMS & Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR

After commissioner meeting there was a presentation of a plaque to Blain Ker who is retiring after many years of service and BC at station 2 in Ririe. He will be greatly missed.