August 8, 2019 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Opening Prayer:  The opening prayer was offered by Dallin.  Mike called the budget hearing to order at 8:00.

Budget Hearing with public input – DISCUSSION ITEM:  Nile explained the budget as was posted in the paper.  The levy will go down slightly because property values went up more than we can legally increase our budget by. 

There were no comments.
Close Budget Hearing:  Dallin moved to close the hearing.  Gordon seconded.  The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous. 

Commissioner Meeting:  Mike called the commissioner meeting to order at 8:08   Those present were: Commissioners Mike Miller, Jim Deuel, Dallin Gambles, and Gordon Ball; Fire Chief Carl Anderson and Assistant Fire Chief Nic White; Battalion Chiefs Blaine Ker, and Corey Albertson with Ben Doman representing Station 1 and Adam Rhodes representing station 4.  CFD Attorney Dennis Wilkinson was present with Melanie Sullivan recording the minutes. Roger Anderson was in attendance via conference call. Nile Hall presented the budget. There was only one patron present.   
Budget Approval – ACTION ITEM:  Jim moved to approve the budget as posted in the newspaper.  Gordon seconded.  The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous. 

Approval of Agenda– ACTION ITEM:  Gordon moved to accept the agenda.  Dallin seconded. The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous. 

Approval of Minutes – ACTION ITEM:   The minutes were previewed by the commissioners previously.  Carl had suggested some changes.  Melanie read the minutes with the proposed changes.  Jim moved to accept he corrected minutes. Dallin seconded.  The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous. 

Budget Review:  Melanie reviewed the budget.  We would expect to have spent 83% of the budget at this point in the fiscal year.  We have spent 60% because the bills for the new trucks have not come in yet.  If the new trucks are factored in, we would have spent 82%. 

Approval of Expenditures – ACTION ITEM: Jim reviewed the expenditures and moved to approve them in the amount of $69,915.59.   Gordon seconded.  The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous. 


  1. AMKUS cutter for Rigby station – DISCUSSION ITEM:  Carl reported that he was able to purchase demo cutters for a $1,200 discount without having to wait for them to be shipped in.  They have been put into service. 
  2. EMS truck for Ririe station – DISCUSSION ITEM:  It took longer than expected to get the bid together.  They have been working with Dennis Wilkinson to get the wording right.  The bid will go out nationally and Carl hopes to open them in the next meeting. 
  3. New brush truck progress – DISCUSSION ITEM:  Nic says they are hoping that it will be finalized and here by the end of August.  The bill for the truck chassis came and was paid.    


  1. Participation in Regional Lucas Grant – 10% match if awarded – ACTION ITEM:  Carl explained that the Lucas device is a machine that does CPR.  Jared has been asked to participate in writing a Lucas grant which would provide the district with four Lucas devices.  Next year, the district would need to pay 10% of the cost of the machines, or about $7000, as part of the grant agreement if received.
  2. New truck for Logistics/Training position – ACTION ITEM:  Carl explained that we have the opportunity to get another truck like the one Nick drives for a relatively inexpensive price ($36,654), which is likely to increase by next year.  Carl explained that the truck that Jared drives is starting to get up there in miles and this would replace his truck, while Jared’s current truck would be used as a chase vehicle.  Nile believes that there is money in the budget to pay for this truck this year.  Jim moved to go ahead and buy the truck.  Dallin seconded.  The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous.
  3. Stabilizer struts for all four stations – ACTION ITEM:  Carl said that two stations need new stabilizer struts, while the other two stations have opted for new computers.  It would cost $4932 for the struts.  These would go in Menan and Rigby.  Mike moved to get stabilizer struts for two stations.  Gordon seconded.  The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous. 

FIRE CHIEF REPORT:  Carl asked Graham Whipple, Architect, to measure and design living quarters in the Rigby station.  This is looking forward to a time when we will need full time firefighters and EMTs.

Rebecca Squires and Carl were approached by a professor out of BYUI who will analyze the demographics and calls over the last 2 or 3 years as part of class project.  This will help answer the question of whether an ambulance and full-time firefighters are needed and when.

August 17 will be the annual summer party.  
        – Battalion Chief input: Ben Doman said that the stabilizer struts are something needed and will be appreciated. 

ASSISTANT CHIEF REPORT:  Nic gave an updated on the brush truck.  He attended a Firehouse Subs PR event.  We had 125 EMS and 25 fire calls.  One of the fire calls was at the site and gave the volunteers good training. 

COMMISSIONER REPORTS: Mike reported that he attended the monthly DIGB6 (District Interoperability Governance Board 6)  meeting.  Sam Hulse from Bonneville County Sheriffs mentioned again how very impressed he was with how Central Fire acted during the Henry’s Creek fire. 

            Dennis reported on the status of the lawsuit in Ririe.  It looks like the case will be dismissed. 

            Summit County fire station is coming to visit the Menan station because they are building one like it. 

Jim moved to adjourn the meeting.  Gordon seconded.  The vote by Mike, Jim, Gordon, Dallin and Roger was unanimous.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:45. 

            Roger-EMS & Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR