March 14, 2019 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Opening Prayer:  Mike called the meeting to order at 8:00.  Dallin offered the opening prayer.  Those present were: Commissioners Mike Miller, Jim Deuel, Dallin Gambles, and Gordon Ball.; Fire Chief Carl Anderson and Assistant Fire Chief Nic White; Battalion Chiefs Jim Kelly, Blaine Ker, and Mitch Bingham with Corey Albertson representing station 3.  Jared Giannini and a couple of patrons were present. Melanie Sullivan recorded the minutes.   

Approval of Agenda– ACTION ITEM:    Jim moved to accept the agenda as presented.  Dallin seconded.  The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, and Gordon was unanimous. 

Approval of Minutes – ACTION ITEM:   The commissioners reviewed the minutes previously.  Dallin moved to approve the minutes.  Gordon seconded.  The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, and Gordon was unanimous. 

Budget Review:  Melanie reviewed the budget. We are under budget so far for the year. 

Approval of Expenditures – ACTION ITEM:  Jim reviewed the expenditures and did not find anything unexpected.  He moved to approve the expenditures of $23,739.53.  Dallin seconded.  The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, and Gordon was unanimous. 


  1. Finalization of first run wage pay – ACTION ITEM:  Carl explained that the six-month trial period for the first run wage pay has ended.  He surveyed the volunteers and they like it and would like it to continue.  Gordon moved to accept.  Jim seconded.  The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and was unanimous. 


  1. Discussion of contracts that commissioners must sign – DISCUSSION ITEM:  Carl said that they have BLM and USWG contract renewals coming up.  He asked Dennis if the commissioners must sign them or if he signs them.  Dennis said that it is up to the commissioners to decide who signs.    Jim explained that anything that obligates funds needs to be signed by the commissioners.   These have been signed by fire chiefs in the past and the commissioners agreed it should continue this way since they do not contractually obligate funds.   
  • Permission for chief to sign wildland/mutual aid agreements – ACTION ITEM:  Dallin moved to give permission to the chief to sign the wild land/mutual aid agreements.  Gordon seconded.  The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, and Gordon was unanimous. 

FIRE CHIEF REPORT: There were 94 EMS calls throughout the district, 14 fire calls. 

Carl did request the impact fee money and has been added to the County Commissioner’s agenda for this purpose. 

He finished up the paperwork for the Grassy Ridge fire reimbursement. 

They are getting a BLM type-4 heavy truck soon.  This is being provided by the BLM.   

Any fire on BLM ground in which the BLM does not have a crew but to which the District responds, will be reimbursed as long as it is reported immediately.   This is a new policy this year. 

        – Battalion Chief input:  There was no Battalion chief input. 

ASSISTANT CHIEF REPORT:  Nic gave an update on the wildland truck that was ordered. He is hoping to get it in time for the fire season.   

The Fire Academy started last night.  There is a lot of excitement for the academy. 

COMMISSIONER REPORTS:  Mike excused Roger.  He had another meeting he needed to attend. 

Dallin moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:20.   Gordon seconded.  The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, and Gordon was unanimous. 

            Roger-EMS & Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR