October 10, 2018 Minutes
Fire District Commissioner Meeting
Dallin called the meeting to order at 8. The opening prayer was offered by Jim Deuel. Those present were: Commissioners Mike Miller, Jim Deuel, Dallin Gambles, Gordon Ball, and Roger Anderson; Fire Chief Carl Anderson and Assistant Fire Chief Nic White along with Alan Guyman, Victor Gallegos, Corey Albertson, and Mitch Bingham. CFD attorney Dennis Wilkinson was present. Melanie Sullivan recorded the minutes. There were two patrons present.
Agenda Approval: Jim moved to accept the agenda as presented. Mike seconded. The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous.
Minutes: The commissioners previewed the minutes previously. Roger moved to accept the minutes. Gordon seconded. The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous.
Budget Review: Melanie reviewed the budget. We are at the end of the fiscal year and we are still under budget. We received a reimbursement check ($5,618) from insurance for truck repairs. We also received reimbursement ($18,055) for the Henry’s Creek Fire.
Approval of Expenditures-ACTION ITEM : Jim looked over the expenditures and didn’t see anything out of line. He moved to accept the expenditures in the amount of $9699.06. Roger seconded. The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous.
Patron Input (3 minute time limit): There was no patron input
- Henry Creek fire reimbursement update: We did receive the check for reimbursement from Henry Creek Fire.
- Salary of Secretary/Treasurer-ACTION ITEM: Jim said that before Nile and Debbie took a leave of absence, they had split the duties of the secretary/treasurer and, together, received $1100 for their services. When they left, Melanie took over both jobs with Niles consulting and preparing the budget without receiving a paycheck. Now that Nile is home, Melanie and Nile would like to split the job once again. Jim moved that the $1100/mo that has already been allocated to these positions be split $550 to Melanie and $550 to Nile. Mike seconded. The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous.
- Approval of SOP/SOG C-180-ACTION ITEM: Carl said that they have been working on SOP/SOG’s, specifically C-180 Promotional Process. Dennis Wilkinson, CFD attorney, reviewed the SOP/SOG and made a few necessary changes. Jim moved to approve the SOG C180 pending the corrections needed for defining direct relatives. Mike seconded. The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous.
- Discussion of EMS & wildland truck for district: Carl said that for 2018-2019 budget, he requested to replace two EMS trucks. The leadership of the district have discussed it and would like to forego one of the EMS trucks for now in favor of a wildland truck (type 6). Carl and the leadership of the district are researching the trucks and how to best utilize the trucks they have. Mike says that with all the wildland fires they have fought in the last year, that would be a good idea.
- Discussion of formation of firefighting/EMS staffing committee: Roger referred to a question brought up last month about what direction the district is going in. It was decided last month that a committee would be formed to look into what may be needed to meet the needs of the district in the future. The district has had 204 calls more than two years ago and 163 calls over last year.
Carl said that he has had some people who live out of the district express an interest in coming to sit in the stations and do homework while they wait to respond to calls that might help in the short term. They would be treated as a volunteers.
Jim suggested that Carl look at his SOG and make sure of where his volunteers are required to come from.
- Discussion of moving commissioner meeting to Menan in November and Rigby Middle School in December: In the past, the location of the commissioner meeting was rotated through the stations and Dallin is suggesting that we resume this practice. The November meeting will be at Menan. The December meeting will be in the High school, not in the Middle School. These changes will be advertised.
FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Carl sent the commissioners a copy of the BLM’s Rural Fire Readiness Program.
The BLM will start giving excess equipment to the fire districts that have been helping them, including type 4 trucks. Carl is working on filling out the form to get this equipment.
They went to an Eastern Idaho Fire Chief’s meeting and the next on will be at Menan.
The Emergency Management Coordinator from Dubois asked if Dubois Fire could train with Central Fire.
Carl was asked by Jefferson Planning and Zoning to burn down a double wide trailer that has sat empty for 12 years and the owners want nothing to do with it. They have the permission and permits they need, and they will do some training during the burn
ASSISTANT CHIEF REPORT: Nic said that he is looking into the wildland trucks. He is also looking at trucks through a couple other sources, including the BLM program.
Station 1: Vic reported 92 EMS and 9 fire calls. They responded to a fire call requiring an evacuation of an assisted living center.
Station 2: Alan 10 EMS and 10 fire. They did have a few calls stacked on each other. They are close to getting two more EMTs.
Station 3: Corey: 9 EMS 4 fire calls. Moral is good and they have a couple of prospective volunteers.
Station 4: Mitch. 9 EMS and 11 fire calls. They also went out to Dubois to help with the fire out there. All the stations helped Rigby on the fire with evacuation that also required help from Ucon and Ammon. The demolition of the old station four building has been completed.
Mike went out to Clark County and was asked to pass on how grateful Clark County is for the assistance of Central Fire on the fires up there.
Mike moved to adjourn. Roger seconded. The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45.
Roger-EMS & Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR