August 10, 2017 Minutes

Fire District Budget Hearing

Gordon Ball offered the opening prayer. Those present were: Commissioners Jim Deuel, Roger Anderson, Mike Miller, Gordon Ball, and Dallin Gambles; Fire Chief Bryan Grover and Assistant Fire Chief Carl Anderson; Battalion Chiefs Blaine Ker, Jim Kelly, Nic White, and Mitch Bingham. Fire district lawyer Dennis Wilkinson was also present along with Melanie Sullivan as secretary. Roger turned over the conducting of the meeting to Jim Deuel.

Budget Hearing with public input: Jim explained that the budget to be levied for the 2017-2018 year is 1,030,000. Jim explained this was the same budget as last year with no increase and that there should be no increase in the tax levy. A decrease is likely. There was no patron input. Dallin moved to close the budget hearing. Gordon seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Dallin, Roger, and Gordon was unanimous.

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Agenda Approval: Jim moved to amend the budget to add under New Business the vote to approve or disapprove the budget for 2017-2018. Mike moved to accept the agenda with the amendment. Gordon seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Dallin, Roger, and Gordon was unanimous.

Minutes: The commissioners reviewed the minutes previously.   Roger moved to accept the minutes. Dallin seconded the motion. The vote by Jim, Mike, Dallin, Roger, and Gordon was unanimous.

Budget Review: Melanie reviewed the budget. She had reviewed it with Nile, who said that he thought it looked good. Some categories are high for this time of year, while some are low. The budget is made to have a cushion to cover an unexpected high volume of calls.

Approval of Expenditures: Mike reviewed the expenditures in the amount of $102,412.01 and did not see anything unexpected. He moved to accept the expenditures. Roger seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Dallin, Roger, and Gordon was unanimous.

Patron Input: Mike Hunter wanted to thank the commissioners for not increasing the budget for next year.


  1. Eclipse planning and ambulance contract: Bryan reported that they have put out schedules in all the stations for what volunteers will be needed. He also presented the commissioners with an expected pay schedule for the volunteers. There will be cots set up in all the stations so that volunteers can be at the stations and readily on hand to answer calls.

Carl has the contract with Idaho Falls ready to be signed that will position an ambulance in Jefferson County for 36 hours around the time of the eclipse. The agreement is that Jefferson County will pay half and the fire district will pay half of the cost of $3,600. Idaho Falls is bringing in extra ambulances above their normal number to cover the possible demand. One will be stationed in Jefferson County so that it will be available quickly if needed.

  1. Brush 1 and Ririe tender replacements: Bryan said that brush 1 has been purchased and is currently getting light bars put on it.

Ririe tender replacements: Bryan is working with the manufacturer to get the truck ordered. The dollar amount approved last months was $347,118. The new contract includes the performance bond is $348,114. It will probably be 9 or 10 months to get the tender made.

  1. Polling precinct – Shonna Allred, polling judge from Jefferson County, asked if the station could be used, if necessary, as a polling precinct. Carl asked CFD attorney Dennis Wilkinson who said that it would unlikely be a problem to use the station as a polling precinct. State insurance also said it would be okay.
  2. Architect presentation – Graham Whipple : Graham reviewed the plans. Graham will have the plans finalized and ready for approval on August 24th. August 24th will also include a pre-bid meeting for all interested in bidding on the Menan Station construction project. The notification will be published on August 16 and 23rd in the Jefferson Star. It will also be published in the Post Register and the AGC. The bids will be opened by the commissioners on the 14th of September. Bids need to be turned in by 5 pm and will be reviewed at 6 pm at the 14th of September.


  1. Budget Approval: Dallin moved to approve the budget for the 2017-2018 budget year in the amount of $1,030,000. Gordon seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Dallin, Roger, and Gordon was unanimous.
  2. Discuss and vote on executive session. Executive session requested pursuant to Idaho code 74-206 (1) (a) (b). Personnel issue. Mike moved to have the executive session. Dallin seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Dallin, Roger, and Gordon was unanimous.

FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Bryan reported that they have been really busy with calls and going to eclipse meetings. They enjoyed the picnic. He gave thanks to all the volunteers.

ASST. CHIEF REPORT: Carl reported being very busy. They fought a fire in the Willow Creek area. There was a fire fighter injured on a call.  The problems with dispatching Ririe QRU has improved very much.


Station 1. Jim reported 60 EMS calls, 17 Fire calls. They had a car fire that could have turned into a much bigger fire but they got it out on time.

Station 2. Blaine reported 23 EMS calls and 9 Fire calls. One house fire with Rigby and Idaho Falls assisting.

Station 3. Nic: 9 fire calls, 2 EMS calls. They had a new EMT pass the course. Roy Kennedy has officially retired.

Station 4. Mitch: 14 EMS calls and 6 Fire calls. They had 3 brush fires that needed assistance from other stations. Morale is good except anxiety over the eclipse.

Mike moved to adjourn. Dallin seconded. the meeting was adjourned at 9:12.
Commissioners adjourned to executive session

Roger-EMS & Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR