October 13, 2016 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Jim called the meeting to order at 8 o’clock . In attendance were commissioners Mike, Jim, Roger, and Gordon. Dallin was absent. BC’s present were Mitch Bingham, Jim Kelley, and Blaine Ker. Roy Kennedy was absent.   Fire Chief Bryan Grover and Assistant Chief Carl Anderson were attending training in Boise and were absent.

Opening Prayer was offered by Gordon Ball.

Agenda Approval: Jim amended the agenda to include discussion of Roger’s visit with Bonneville dispatch. Mike moved to approve the amended agenda. Gordon seconded. The voting by Jim, Mike, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous.

Minutes:  The minutes were read previously by the commissioners. Roger moved to accept the minutes. Gordon seconded. The vote by Mike, Roger, Jim, and Gordon was unanimous.

Budget Review: Mike moved to approve the transfer $250,000 budget excess from this last fiscal year into the capital reserve account to pay for future capital expenditures. Gordon seconded. The vote by Mike, Roger, Jim, and Gordon was unanimous .

Approval of Expenditures: Jim reviewed expenditures. They were higher than normal but in line with higher than normal activity. Jim moved to accept the expenditures. Mike moved to accept the expenditures. Roger seconded. The vote by Mike, Roger, Jim, and Gordon was unanimous.

Patron Input: No patrons were present


  1. Station 1 extrication equipment: It has been received and is in service.
  2. Status of Ririe Generator: The pad is poured. Now they are waiting for the contractor to move forward.
  3. Fit test machine Arrived. They are waiting for the adapter.
  4. Bonneville County dispatch: Roger talked to Dwain Nelson (dispatch supervisor in Idaho Falls). He asked for maps and information on responding units. He is building a small program that will place the information for CFD’s QRU to the appropriate side of the computer screen to make it more visible for dispatchers to see in a timely manner. Mike met with Curt Becker to sort out the mapping issues so the appropriate response unit is called out. Dwayne suggested there should be a mutual aid agreement signed between Central and Idaho Falls to clarify who is dispatched first to the areas on the boundaries.   This agreement will be ready by next month for the commissioners approval.  Jim remarked that this is a great improve in cooperation between Idaho Falls and Central Fire.


  1. Lewisville fire station land: Gordon reported that the city council of Lewisville wants to transfer the land that the Lewisville fire station sits on to the station. The Lewisville city council was willing to change some of boundaries of parcel of land to comply with the easement regulations of the city of Lewisville. Lewisville added stipulation that if Central Fire was ever dissolved, Lewisville gets the land back. Gordon responded that the building would have to be purchased from Central Fire if that ever happens. Lewisville agreed to these terms. The survey fees would be split between Lewisville and Central Fire. That would be the only expense to Central Fire. The pump is between the fire station and the library but belongs to the fire station. It is being used to provide landscaping water to city buildings as well as to the fire station. Jim suggested that since the portion of the power bill that pertains to landscaping water is small, that a memorandum of understanding be drawn up stating that if there is an issue with the pump in the future, that the City of Lewisville will share in the cost of repair. Gordon will continue to work with the City of Lewisville. The issue was tabled until the paperwork is drawn up.
  2. Flu shots for personnel: Mike moved to continue providing flu shots to personnel. Roger seconded. The vote by Mike, Jim, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous. Vouchers for the flu shots are available from Lisa.
  3. Christmas bonuses: Last year the decision was made for the Christmas bonuses to be made on the percentage of calls personnel went out on. That didn’t work out so well, so Jim proposed that they go back to the original intent as a thank you and an incentive to continue serving.   The bonuses will be based on the activity (training and calls) that volunteers participate in.   The bonus should include the office secretary. If the battalion chiefs believe there needs to be an exception, they can request it. Next month the commissioners will decide on the amount.   The criteria to receive the bonus would be that a volunteer be with CFD for more than 6 months and have earned more than $264.00 in activity pay. There was a discussion about whether it would be appropriate to give the Chief and Assistant Chief a Christmas bonus. Mike feels it would be an appropriate gesture.   Mike made the motion to keep it as activity pay and include the Chief and the Assistant Chief in the bonuses. Roger seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous. The bonuses are paid only when the budget allows for it.
  4. Possible changes with commissioner responsibilities: Dallin feels that based on some of the changes that have taken place and based on the skills of the commissioners,  Roger should be over EMS and training. Gordon will stay over equipment . Jim will stay in charge budget. Dallin would be in charge of facilities. Mike will stay over PR.




Station 1. Rigby:
Kelly: 50 EMS calls 3 fire calls. They assisted Ririe in quite a few fires. Station is doing well. Morale is up. Julie Edwards is in the works to be hired. She is currently taking the EMT course at EITC. She has been coming to drills regularly.

Station 2. Ririe:
Blaine: 17 EMS, several fire calls. A dust storm caused an accident. 558 acres burned due to a power line spark. Morale is improving. A few new hires Nick Terry and Brandon Balkman. Jordan Silvera spent the summer taking the fire course through Ammon fire and passed.

Station 3. Lewisville:
reported by Mitch 12 EMS. 5 Fire calls. Gerig Duncan is a new hire. They went on numerous call with station 4.

Station 4. Menan:
Mitch: 6 EMS 2 fire calls. Morale is good. They are excited about getting a new station. Thank you to the district for the support of the land transfer from the Coop to the fire station. When the paper gets signed, then they can do some training in the old gas station building. Mitch asked if they could give input to the conceptual design of Menan building. Jim said that they absolutely should put input in to the building design.

Roger- EMS and training /Gordon-Equipment /Jim-Budget/Mike-PR/ Dallin -facilities .

Mike moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:50. Roger seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous.