May 12, 2016 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Jim called the Commissioner meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.. Gordon Ball gave the opening prayer. Those commissioners in attendance were Jim, Gordon, Dallin and Mike. Chief Bryan Grover and Asst. Chief Carl Anderson along with BC’s represented by Jim Kelly, Blaine Ker , Roy Kennedy, and Mitch Bingham were present. Nile & Debby Hall were also present. There were several patrons in attendance. See patron sign in sheet.

Jim reported that Jill Peterson has requested the right to video tape this meeting. Jim asked the patrons if they have any concerns regarding video recording. The majority of those in attendance were opposed to the video taping of this meeting. Jim reported that the Jefferson Co. commissioners do not allow videotaping of their commissioner meetings. Andy Elliott expressed her opinion as to why this meeting should or should not be videoed. Dennis Wilkinson explained that the District Commissioners are in compliance with the open meeting law. Jim reiterated that the majority of the patrons in attendance did not agree with the video recording but that the Jim called for a vote of the commissioners. Mike moved to allow the video recording, Dallin seconded. Mike, Dallin, Gordon and Jim all voted unanimously.

AGENDA APPROVAL: Request to add sale of the Old SCBA compressor to the agenda.     Jim also added a request for an executive meeting to discuss personnel issues and land acquisition. Gordon moved to accept the agenda, Mike seconded, and Gordon, Mike, Jim and Dallin voted unanimously.

MINUTES: Jim asked those commissioner present if they had read and reviewed the minutes from the April , 2016,and they all indicated that they had. Dallin moved to accept the minutes that have been reviewed by the commissioners. Mike seconded and Gordon, Dallin, Jim and Mike voted unanimously.

EXPENDITURES: Mike moved to accept the April expenditures for payment. Gordon seconded. Dallin, Gordon, Jim and Mike voted unanimously.

 BUDGET REVIEW: Nile reported that 84% of the allowable budget up to this point in the fiscal year has been spent. He reported that we have paid for the new SCBA equipment, the new truck expenditures, and compressors and he stated that with the fire season coming up the district is in good financial shape.


Several patrons were in attendance. See Patron Attendance Sign-In Sheet. Those requesting to address the commissioners included: Sharon Baxter, Jill Peterson, Andy Elliott, Jason Averill. Doug Stevenson, Eric Bennion, Sue Kenney, Lori Lovell, Angie Stevenson, Victor Gallegos. For addresses see the attached Patron Input Request Sheet.


  1. Generator at Ririe: The bid specs are ready to be sent to the State Electrical. Bryan anticipates being ready for a bid opening at the next meeting
  2. Fit test machine: Madison is not interested in purchasing a fit test machine.
  3. EMS protocols –   Epi pens and Glucose monitor trainings have been held at each station, which included hands on training . It was reported that this was a great training.
  4. 4. Extrication Equipment – Idaho Falls fire department has a Combi tool they are willing to donate to the District. Bryan reported that this piece of equipment isn’t any advantage to the Idaho Falls F.D. is willing to send someone who is certified to check out the extrication equipment in the district.


  1. New Menan building:   Still waiting for the Menan Co-op to get into their new building. They       anticipate a completion date of July 4. They probably won’t deed the property to us until they are   in their building. We will know more about how to proceed when we actually own the property.
  2. Firehouse – There has been problems this past week with the Firehouse program. Firehouse is the data based program that keeps track of the calls, training and payroll. We need to update the    service contract. Firehouse was willing to work with us this time. There will be a need to       upgrade in the future at a cost of $1500 per year. Jim recommended that we check into other    companies that have reporting programs and determine what would be the best for our district.
  3. Power problems at Ririe Station:   Bryan is recommending that we replace some of the fixtures due to too many fixtures on the circuit. Estimated cost $2700 for LED lighting. Albert Anderson suggested that an electrician check all the connections in the boxes and tighten things up. Bryan will follow up with getting an electrician to check that out.
  4. Old SCBA compressor: All the new SCBA compressors are up and running at each station. Bryan said this machine is not being used by our district at this time. Ucon and Roberts fire departments do fill their bottles from this compressor . He suggested that we donate this equipment to Roberts Fire. Dallin moved that this compressor be donated to Roberts Fire Department. Gordon seconded. Gordon, Dallin, Mike and Jim all voted unanimously. Bryan said that this will be advertised as has been protocol in the past.
  5. Eagle project: Kaden Romrielll presented a request to put a flag pole at the Lewisville Fire Station. The fire station is on City of Lewisville property. Jim recommended that Kaden contact the City of Lewisville regarding the project. The district will send a letter stating we endorse the project. Mike moved that the district approve this project and will commit up to 50% of the cost, and no more than $750. Gordon seconded. Vote was unanimous by Gordon, Dallin, Jim and Mike.


Bryan reported that this has been a busy month. Everyone has worked well together. Fortunately there was no major incidents.


Carl reported that they are working on the list of SOG concerns that were presented at last month’s meeting. He said that he and the volunteers respect what the commissioners are doing for the district.


STAT. #1:
62 EMS 16 Fire 74 pt were treated. Jim Kelly reported that station morale is good. He said he is very proud of these people and they are very tight knit group. He expressed concern about negative comments made, taking a toll on the volunteers. Each station is a family and they are there to support each other, no matter what. The volunteers take great pride in their service and in keeping equipment clean and ready.  He expressed appreciation to the commissioners from their station.

STAT. #2:  7 EMS 7 Fire Blaine reported on some power problems in the City of Ririe, that their station responded to. The power company was grateful for their backup.

STAT. #3 8 EMS 5 Fire Roy reported that Lt. Kathy Anderson is going to retire after 28 years. Their station is planning to recognize her service and will keep the district informed as to when and where. .

 STAT. #4: 6 EMS 2 Fire Mitch reported that they assisted other stations during the month. Morale is good and the volunteers are happy when they are busy. The new SCBA equipment is in place and training is taking place.

He reported on some public service that has been done with the schools.


Mike moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m. and go into executive session. Gordon seconded. Gordon, Mike, Dallin, and Jim voted unanimously.