August 13, 2015 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting


Hearing began at 8:00pm. Mike welcomed and called the meeting to order. Dallin gave the opening prayer. Those commissioners in attendance were Jim, Dallin, Mike, & Roger. Chief Bryan Grover and Asst. Chief Carl Anderson along with BC’s represented by Paul Bradley, Blaine Ker, Roy Kennedy, and Mitch Bingham. Brenna Kelly was also present to take the minutes for the Hall’s. Patrons Jason Avrill also attended.

BUDGET 2016: Jim proposed budget for 2016 that was discussed last commissioners meeting. 2016 budget will increase by 3%. Should not increase the levy. Some of the breakdown was labor, supplies, fuel, repairs, admin, tort/legal, transfers, capital expenses, SCBA, generator, Ririe tender, purchase of property/bldg. for Menan.

PATRON INPUT: Jason Avrill wanted to know where patrons could find the numbers for the budget. He was told that it is published in the Jefferson Star. He wanted to know why it wasn’t on the website, the commissioners thought that the budget was supposed to be put up on the website.

Roy had mentioned that if we are comparing, “where are we within the actual budget”, Jim mentioned that last month we were under budget. No further patron input was had and hearing was closed.


MINUTES: Brenna read the minutes from July 9, 2015. Bryan made some changed on the notes from the meeting. Mike moved to accept minutes as changed. Dallin seconded and vote was unanimous.

EXPENDITURE REVIEW: Dallin motioned to pa bills as submitted for month of July. Roger Seconded. Voting was unanimous.

APPROVE BUDGET: Jim moved to accept the budget as discussed in the budget hearing with a 3% increase in revenue as posted in the Jefferson Star. Dallin Seconded. Voting unanimous.

PATRON INPUT: Jason Avrill wanted to know how the budget compared to Ririe.


  1. 164 Chassis: Bryan had no new pictures, but he and Paul had a conference call with the company and truly believe project is about finished. They are thinking the truck should be done by the end of the month, and that the truck could be here by the next commissioners meeting. Dallin motioned to cut a check for the remainder of the truck, Roger Seconded. Vote was unanimous.
  2. MENAN Building: Dave Holtom (Co-op general manager) donated the property and building as is. They will take the pumps and dispensers out. Ground contamination was a concern, it was mentioned that the drinking water was tested monthly and an integrity test every year or two. Access to the park was a concern. Who pays for the legal fees was brought up, a quick claim deed was mentioned. Jim moved to approve, Roger seconded, and vote was unanimous.

FIRE CHIEF REPORT: No word on SCBA grant, but felt that we should know within the next month. Summer party was a great success. Had a great turn out.

ASST CHIEF REPORT: Caleb Anderson retired from fire district. 22 year of service. Roy mentioned a BBQ for him on the 1st or 2nd fire drill in September. The station had some really neat ideas for a retirement gift for Caleb. We had several good fires, good comrade with all stations.

STAT #1:
15 Fire/ 42 EMS: Paul mentioned many grass fires, lots of folks underestimating the green grass. Morale is good.

STAT #2:
5 Fire/15 EMS: Morale is doing better. Jason Anvil discussed Ririe not being dispatched in an effective manner, too late after a call. Mike discussed that he had valid points and that they have been working with Bonneville County. He asked Jason to write down some of the key calls that were missed, so he could take with him to his meeting with Lt. Squires and go over the problem. Blaine thanked the commissioners for all they do.

STAT #3:
3 Fire/ 5 EMS: Discussed a fire call. They have applications for two people, hoping to get more personnel.

STAT #4:
3 Fire/ 2 EMS: Morale is good. Party was a big success, served over 300 people! Sheriff’s office would like to come together each year. Discussed not sure if it will be during the district summer party, but that we should still do something with the officers. Location of party was changed because Cordon Park was under water, moved to the City Park.

COMMISSIONERS: Mike mentioned as a responder, we have a great group of people. They are doing an awesome job and making it work!

Dallin moved and Jim seconded that the meeting be closed at 9:10pm. Unanimously approved.